GIant Junior
We are building the next evolution of social gaming

Giant Junior began life in 2002 as Injoy Games, focusing on downloadable casual PC/Mac games, as well as retail titles. Injoy Games built popular casual games and worked with every major platform and distributor - from Yahoo! Games and Real Arcade to WildTangent, Big Fish, and PlayFirst. As downloadable casual games began to plateau and smartphone app stores were just beginning, Injoy Games transitioned into mobile games and rebranded as App Minis in 2010.
App Minis developed a number of popular freemium games for mobile, netting over 25M downloads while being entirely self-funded from day one. Most notably was Design This Home and Design This Castle - hitting #2 Top Grossing Overall in the US App Store and hundreds of thousands of five star reviews.
In 2016, App Minis became The Isn't Company as focus expanded to include PC, consoles and VR titles. From fantasy god PC game Minor Deity to world-first VR metaverse Circ, The Isn't Company built titles across numerous genres. In 2022, Hometopia was spun out as a standalone company. Alongside this venture, The Isn't Company went all-in on the future of gaming and transformed into Giant Junior.
Giant Junior develops, funds and incubates all things social and community focused gaming.